I am scared to say this--but my headache is gone! And I am so so happy. Last night I had some spotting---freaked out~ I was doing fine, but spotting stops me in my tracks. Also, I thought maybe I had a UTI---but now I don't think that. My DH told me I needed to relax--cause it is so easy to relax when you are spotting--I mean really. I may be a neurotic, but who takes spotting in stride? Nobody. It is still on and off, but no cramping and I have been having it on and off so --for now, I cant stress about it.
I have a new plan, to have no expectations about what being a parent will be like. I am going to use thought stopping---if I start to wonder about Ifs/Whens then I am going to just think about something else--That's my plan, I will let you know how it works out.