Monday, February 21, 2011

The missing 'peace'

The moment I realized I loved my husband was the moment I realized that if I were to hurt him, him being hurt would make me hurt. And since I am not into self mutilation I try my best to never hurt him and if I do accidentally do so, I own up to it quicky.

I have also learned over my relationships that love is not something that happens to you, for me, love is a choice. I chose everyday to love my husband and I chose to be dedicated and faithful to him -- but it didn't fall into my lap.

My boss gave me this article,, and although I have no idea why she gave it to me, I really enjoyed reading it. She wrote on it, "Thought you would enjoy this!" So, she has that going for her.  I love the theory behind it and I think it is a great example of how my relationship with my husband evolved. This article truly reflects the flow that my marriage works within.

So, all this love talk is because we have really found our groove. We get this, now what? J. said to me a few months back when we were talking about the (im)possibility of not having children, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like if we didn't have kids, something would be missing.". I know there are probably wives who would hear that and become angry or hurt or feel like it was something they were lacking. I just heard it, for what it was, and agreed. Without a child, we will still have great times, but would their be an emptiness in them? We would still laugh, but not about the  hundreds of  things parents laugh at when their children say or do funny things. We will still be proud of each other, but never know the feeling of our child winning an award or graduating from college. We will love eachother completely, but never know that feeling that a mother/father has for their child the first time they see them.

My hope for today...we will have the complete package!

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