Monday, March 21, 2011

Report card...

21 eggs
18 were ICSI'd
17 fertilized!

This is great. I feel like we have overcome a bunch of hurdles. I know there is still a way to go so i am avoiding any feelings of excitement. Now I am on the steroid, doxy and Endometrin. Also, I have to take metro gel the night before my possible transfers, which are Wed, Fri and Sat am. Of course I am hoping it won't be Wed...because that would mean only 2-3 embryos made it to day 3. Also, the longer we wait the more embryos we will lose, only really strong embryos make it to day 5. But i guess on ly strong embryos become babies too! I have learned that with male factor issues embryos sometimes stop developing after day 3. I know that a lot of people talk about disappointment if they have to go to FET, but i am okay with it. The stats don't show that much of a difference and my body could use some down time, either is fine with me. Physically the hardest part for me was the retrieval. Emotionally, the hardest part is with the beta test.

I have to admit i am so so happy to be off all that injectable medication. all that post nasal drip has stopped (oh,but it wasn't from the meds, right?). It wasn't the inconvenience of it and the side effects were not that bad, I guess for me they symbolize climbing up the mountain. The peak is the retrieval and it is coasting from here. Almost freeing. We have no control over this part, just sledding down the hill. It is a little weird that what was once in me is now in a lab and that it could be our baby. Talk about the luck of the draw, i mean what if a bunch make it to freeze. And then we decide to unfreeze one two years from now. How are we ever going to forgive ourselves for keeping our child frozen for 2 years! Technically they were all conceived yesterday, but if all goes well their birthdays could be all over the place. Okay, I know, i am over thinking! But it is kinda funny to think about.

I feel really good today. Last night I started to have more pain, but I slept well. I stayed
home because I didn't want to push it. I have my 2nd interview tomorrow, so I have to bring
my A game.

My hope for today, grow and divide, grow and divide. Come on maybe babies make mommy and daddy proud and we will never put pressure on you after you are born! Promise.

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