Friday, March 25, 2011


So the transfer is tomorrow--which means it is a Fresh transfer and PGD happened today. I still have no numbers though. It has to be more than 3 because at 4 they were going to ask us if we wanted to move ahead with PGD. The truth is, we only need one. We have been debating and debating about whether to transfer one or two and we just can't decide. We thought maybe we would take the 1st and the 3rd of 4th best, that way we would have FET possibilities if this doesn't lead to +!

This is kinda funny and made me realize how much our clinic really has us. When we went in for the retrieval they said, the day of transfer we offer laser acupuncture for 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after. We did a study and found there is up to a 5% chance of this helping implantation. It costs $200, you don't have to decide today. Well, this AM I realized I better think about this, like now. I did acupuncture for migraines and it never did anything to help them and I spent hundreds on that! But seriously, how could we say no. Oh, okay, we spent all this money, time, emotional energy, shot drugs into my tummy that may cause cancer one day, but $200--that is where I draw the line. As you can guess, I will have my $200 check in hand tomorrow. The thing I don't like about acupuncture--not the needles--the 20 (make that 40 minutes) of just being/relaxing. don't like it. I know I am undiagnosed ADHD.

You know what I realized, we have been waiting and waiting and prepping and waiting for tomorrow---for over a year. And it is going to be over in about 5 minutes. I mean hopefully it will be beginning, but you know what I mean. We will get the call between 7:30-8:00--they will tell us when to come in. That is also when they will tell me I have to start drinking water so that my bladder is full and they can get a better picture of where they are going to place these blastocysts. I know that a lot of people get pictures. I hope we get a picture.

As far as how many we put in, we are still up in the air. We all know that with assisted hatching there is an increase chance of identical twins. So, if you put in 2, 3 could come out--rare I know--but a consideration all the same. I think I remember that our pregnancy test will be April 3 or 4--they will tell me tomorrow.

I am so proud of our embryos making it this far! They have overcome a lot already!!

My hope for today---favorable PGD results and strong blastocysts that are ready to come to life!

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